
Academic Services • 학술봉사

Associate Editor

Journal of Computational Design and Engineering. (SCIE, JCR 2020 IF 5.860, Top 9.444% in Engineering, Multidisciplinary) Oxford University Press, ISSN: 2288-4300). 2017 ­– Present.

General Chair

The 18th Computational Design and Engineering (CDE) Contest. 2017.

Working Group Chair

Co-chair of X3D Geospatial Working Group, Web3D Consortium. Since 2013

Program Chair

Emerging Applications of CAD Workshop, Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering, Kitakyushu, Japan. 2015.
The 18th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, San Sebastian, Spain. 2013.
The 15th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Los Angeles, CA, United States. 2010.

Finance Chair

The 25th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Virtual Conference, Seoul, Korea. 2020.

Program Committees

The 27th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Evry, France. 2022.
The 26th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Pisa, Italy. 2021.
The 25th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Virtual Conference, Seoul, Korea. 2020.
The 24th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Los Angeles, CA, United States. 2019.
The 23rd ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Poznań, Poland. 2018.
The 22nd ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Brisbane, Australia. 2017.
The 21st ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Anaheim, CA, United States. 2016.
Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering, Japan. 2015.
The 10th International Joint Conference on Rough Sets, Jeju, Korea. 2015.
The 19th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2014.
The 2012 International Conference on 3D Converged IT and Optical Communications, Gwangju, Korea. 2012.
The 17th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Los Angeles, CA, United States. 2012.
The 10th International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, Hong Kong, China. 2011.
The 16th ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Paris, France. 2011.


Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds. Since 2020. (SCIE, 2019 JCR 90% in Computer Science, Software Engineering)
Cartography and Geographic Information Science. Since 2015. (SSCI, 2018 JCR 39.157% in Geography)
International Journal of Digital Earth. Since 2015. (SCIE, 2018 JCR 19% in Geography, Physical)
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Since 2015. (SCIE, 2018 JCR 9.813% in Computer Science, Software Engineering)
Computational Design and Engineering (CDE) Competition. 2015.
ACM Transactions on Graphics. Since 2014. (SCIE, 2018 JCR 0.467% in Computer Science, Software Engineering)
Transactions for Society of CAD/CAM Engineers. Since 2014.
Journal of Geographical Systems. Since 2013. (SSCI, 2018 JCR 65.663% in Geography)
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Since 2011. (SCIE, 2018 JRC 6.548% in Geochemistry & Geophysics)
International Journal of Geographical Information Science. Since 2008. (SCIE, SSCI, 2018 JCR 10.241% in Geography)